Uses for Weather-Bos (i.e. roofs, sidings, fences) Industries using The advantages of Pre- How Much Weather-Bos Why does wood turn grey The science behind the How to Become a
Application Procedures for Wood Roofs 1. Power wash entire roof using a minimum of 3000 PSI with a 25 deg. spray tip. a. Work from top down in a 3-4 ft. overlapping swaths. b. Work back up from bottom washing the same area including each butt end. c. After finishing a section of roof, beginning at top, wash sideways across in 3-4 ft. overlapping swaths. d. Wash out the valleys, raingutters and downspouts. e. Wash shrubs, decks, sidewalks, driveways, windows, eaves, sides of the building, etc. 2. Carefully inspect balance of roof, replacing shake or shingles as required. 3. Rinse entire roof with power washer. 4. Paint all valley and roof metal. 5. Air blow roof including gutters. 6. Carefully clean exterior surfaces i.e., gutters, window and door frames, etc. of any dirt or residue. 7. Take precautions to protect landscaping, pool, automobiles, furniture, etc. as well as neighbors' property against over-spray. 8. Apply a flood coat of Weather-Bos? to the prepared roof surface using an airless or garden sprayer as follows: a. Formulas 1, 5 & 7 for all new roofs. b. Formulas 2, 6 & 8 for aged roofs with a pitch of 4-12 or greater. c. Formula 3 is used for very aged roofs. d. Formula 4 is used when a natural weathered gray tint is desired. 9. Note: Formulas 1-8 can be intermixed to acquire desired color or penetration.
Coverage Once the wood roof has been cleaned and prepared, carefully apply environmentally safe Weather-Bos. The optimum of protection for all new cedar shake and shingle roofing is to apply Weather-Bos? to all sides by pre-dipping prior to installation. This method of application will provide maximum protection and dimensional stabilization. Be sure to follow Weather-Bos recommendations regarding all procedures of proper preparation, application and correct choice of formulas. Average coverage is 50-100 sq. ft. per gal. per application depending upon type of surface and climatic conditions. On wood roofs to obtain maximum protection a minimum of two applications is recommended.
Aged Roofs Complete the following prior to previous instructions.
Note: Replacement and repair on the balance of the roof should be done after the cleaning procedure is completed.
Power Washing Power washing is fast and effective, and has gained wide acceptance as the best method of cleaning and preparing the surface of wood roofs. Properly performed, there are several advantages to power washing, including savings in time and labor costs, and increased job performance. To the quality minded customer, this procedure is by far the most desirable method for preparing and maintaining cedar shake and shingle roofs. |